Friday 21 April 2017


Influence of Asterisms:-
A son born on 1st quarter of Asterism Mula
Affects the life of Father
If the birth takes place during 2nd quarter
Affects the life of Mother
If the birth be in the 3rd quarter
There will be loss of the quarter.
Is Good. Son born during this quarter will have posterity, wealth, health and happiness and power of speech.

A person born under asterism Purvashadha at time when the Ascendant is Sagittarius, or under asterism Pushya at a time when ascendant is Cancer
Brings troubles to Father.
Birth in the 1st quarter of Purvashadha or Pushya
Causes trouble to Father.
Birth in the 2nd quarter
Affects the Mother.
Birth in the 3rd quarter
Affects the native himself.
Birth in the 4th quarter
Disastrous to the maternal uncle.

A person born in the 3rd quarter of the asterisms of Bharani
Likely to lose his Parents.
A person born in the 1st quarter of asterism of Uttara phalguni, in the 2nd quarter of Hastha, in the 3rd quarter of Ashlesha,  or in the 4th quarter of Bharani
Affects the life of the Parents. Father will be affected if the child is Male and mother will be affected if the child is female.
A person born under asterism of Uttaraphalguni , Pushya, Purvashadha, Chitra, Ashlesha, Mula,  or Jeyshta
Affects the life of Father.
The adverse effects will referred  to will disappear  if the father keeps aloof from the child for
2 Months, 3 Months, 8 Months, 6 Months, 9 Months and 8 Years and 15 days respectively.
Birth under asterism under Jyeshta
Divide the total Asterism of Jyeshta into 10 Parts.
Birth of the child in the 1st part
Affects the Maternal Grand –Mother.
Birth in the 2nd part
Affects the Maternal Grand-Father.
Birth in the 3rd part
Affects the Maternal Uncle
In the 4th part
Affects Mother
In the 5th part
Affects the native himself.
In the 6th part
Affects the family
In the 7th  part
Affects the relatives of the parents
In the 8th part
Affects the elder brother
In the 9th part
Affects Father-in-Law
In the 10th part.
It Affects everybody.

If the lord of the Navamsha , at the time be the Sun
Father will be afflicted.
At the time be the Moon
Mother will be afflicted
At the time be the Mars
The Maternal Uncle will be afflicted
At the time be the Saturn
The brother will be afflicted.
Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will have the same effect on the native
If the moment of the birth coincide with Thyajyam.

Gandantham of Gandamula Stars
The last 2 Ghatikas of Ashlesha,
The first 2 Ghatikas of Magha
The last 2 Ghatikas of Jyeshta
The first 2 Ghatikas of Mula
The last 2 Ghatikas of Revati And
The first 2 Ghatikas of Ashwini.
The last 2 Ghatikas of Panchami, Dashami, Full Moon and New Moon
Are Gandanthams This is called as Tithi Gandantham
The last 2 Navamshas of Cancer, Scorpio,Pisces and the first of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius  are
Rasi Gandanthams

The Effect of Gandanthams.
Nakshatra Gandanthams are adversely affects the
Parents, Brothers of the native and the Native himself.
The Rashi Gandantham affects
The family to which the native belongs
Tithi Gandantham affects
The Native’s Parents

A child born during Gandantham
Is not likely to live long.
If alive
Parents and the brothers, grand-father and grandmother of the child will be affected.
A person Born  on the Following Yogas

During Vishti
Suffers from Poverty.
During Gulika
Will have deformed Limbs
During Yama-Ganda Kala
Will not have legs to stand on
During Rikthai
Will be hermaphrodite
During Vyatheepatam
Will have defective limbs
During Parigha
Will lose his wife.
During Soolam
His Family will perish, he will be abandoned from his family and will have few enjoyments
During New Moon Day
Will be deprived of his Lands
During Vaidhrithi
Father will meet the Death!
A person born under Asterism, affected by Eclipse
Will be afflicted with Diseases.
Born under asterism governed by a malefic
He /She will be troubled by enemies.
Birth on Chaturdashi of the Dark Fortnight
Divide the total Ghatikas into 6 parts.

Birth of a person in 1st part
Will produce No Harm
Birth of a person in 2nd part
Adversely affects and causes disaster to the Father
Birth of a person in 3rd part
------ do ---- to the Mother
Birth of a person in 4th  part
-------do ----to  the Uncle
Birth of a person in 5th  part
-------do ----to the Cattle
Birth of a person in 6th  part
-------do ----to the Children

At the time of Birth 1 Planet Exalted
Free from All Misfortunes
If 2 Planets are exalted
He will be the Ruler of the Territory
If 3 Planets exalted
He will be the King.
If 4 Planets are exalted
He will be an Emperor
If 5 Planets are exalted
He will have Sovereignty of the Earth

If at the time of Birth, Sun exalted
He will become Commander in Chief
If Moon Exalted
He will be having Wealth and Corn
If Mars Exalted, He will have
Authority over Foreign Lands.
If Mercury Exalted,
He will have Fortune  from Royalty
If Jupiter is exalted
He will be a Wealthy King
If Venus exalted
He will have Fortune from Royalty
If Saturn is Exalted
He will be as powerful as King.
Planets in Debilitation will be reverse
Of the order mentioned above. The beneficial influence will diminish.

Sunapha Yoga :Planets excepting Sun
Occupying 2nd House from Moon
Anapha Yoga   :Planets excepting Sun
Occupying 12th H from Moon
Dhurudhura Yoga:-Excepting the Sun
Occupying both 2nd & 12th H from Mon

Persons born under the aforementioned 3 Yogas will be Well Educated, Long-Lived, and Wide Reputation.

Vahsi Yoga:- Planets excepting Moon
Occupying 2nd House from Sun
Vayshi Yoga:- Planets excepting Mon
Occupying 12th house from Sun
Ubachari Yoga:- Planets excepting M
Occupying both 2nd & 12th H from Sun

These Yogas produce worldwide reputation, besides the benefits of Sunapha, Anapha and Dhurudara Yogas.

Jupiter Occupying
4th, 7th and 10th House from Moon

A person born under this yoga will have Wealth, Good Reputation, Happiness, and Knowledge of Several Sciences.

If a person born with 7th House occupying both Venus & Mars, aspected by Malefic have Sure of this kind.

If the rising sign be Aries at birth the native will be Poor if the sign be occupied  and aspected by Mars (Ascendant be Aries / Mesha)
The Native will be devoted to Agricultural Work.
If aspected by Jupiter, he will have humble work
If rising sign is Taurus at the time of birth (Ascendant be Taurus /Vrishabha
The person will be possessing wealth and cows, if the sign is occupied and aspected by the Moon.
If Venus is occupied or aspects the rashi, he will have many enjoyments.
If rising sign is Gemini at the time of birth and if Mercury is occupying the Rashi or aspects (Ascendant be Gemini /Mithuna)
He will be able to acquire knowledge of all arts and sciences and will be addicted to many women.
He will be learned in four Vedas or will become expert in Astrology. He may capture Doctorate Degree in the said subject also.
If the Ascendant be Cancer / Kataka
Occupied or aspected by Moon, the person will be enjoying happiness. If occupied or aspected by Jupiter, he will have immense wealth and comforts.
If the Ascendant be Leo / Sinha Rasi
The Native will be courageous, heroic and capable of prevailing over all.
If the Ascendant is Virgo and if Benefic is occupied or aspected  the Rashi
He will have many wives, will give birth to daughters and will be humble in life. He will have immense wealth and corn.
If the rising sign or Ascendant is Libra
He will live in all comforts, have few words, truthful and Skilled in trade.
If the sign is occupied by the Venus, he will be an eminent and nobleman.
If the Ascendant is Scorpio,
He will be cruel, devoid of characters and mean minded.  If the sign is occupied or aspected by Mars, the will have a command over Armies.
If the Ascendant is Sagittarius
If it is in the first half, he will have disposition to evil ways
If born in the 2nd Half, he will prodigiously wealthy, If the Jupiter occupies either half of the sign, he will be a King.
If the Ascendant is Capricorn
The native will have weak intellect, wealth and happiness. If the sign is occupied by Saturn, he will have a capacious stomach and eat many kinds of food. If aspected by benefic, he will be King.

If the Ascendant is Aquarius at the time of Birth
The native will be poor, miserly, firm minded, jealous, wicked and addicted to thieving. If aspected by benefic, he will be King.
If the Ascendant is Pisces at the time of Birth
The native will have a long and comfortable life. If Venus occupies the house, he will be a King.

By Dr. Parampalli Surendra Upadhya, M.Sc., Ph.D (Astrology)

22/04/2017, Bangalore

1 comment:

  1. Sir can u provide information about karakataka or cancer
