Friday 21 April 2017

My Horoscope is Analyzed Fully Well

My Horoscope is Analyzed Fully Well



11.45 Night
Udupi Dist.

Bhava Kundali
11.45 Night





Sat Mer

Jup ®
Jup ®

Lagna Features:-
Lagna is Mithuna Rashi, Dual Sign, Purusha Rashi, Tamas in nature, Shudra Verna, Airy Tatwa, West is the direction, Jeeva is dhatu, Dvipada Rashi, Sheershodaya rashi and Night its strength. Shoulders are the part of the body.

7th Bhava Features:-
Sagittarius is Rashi, again a dual sign, Agni Tatwa Rashi, Purusha rashi, Kshatriya Rashi, Satwika Guna, East is the direction, Day time its strength, Pristodaya Rashi, Dvipada Rashi, Jeeva is dhatu and Thigh is the part of the body.
Lagna lord Mercury is in 5th House, viz. Libra which is his friend’s house, and Mercury is in Nakshatra of Mangal, Chitta-3. Lagna is also aspected by Mars, which are 6th Lord and 11th Lord also. Lagna is also aspected by Saturn from Kanya which is
Also in Nakshatra of Chitta-1. So Lagnadhipati Mercury is in Mars’ Nakshatra, Mars is in 7th H and Lagna is aspected by Saturn which is also in Mars’ Nakshatra. Saturn is also the lord of 8th & 9th H.
In this Horoscope Rahu is Yogi and Venus is Ava Yogi. Lagnadhipati Mercury is with 5th Lord Venus and both of them are aspect by Jupiter from 11th House, which is the lord of 7th H and 10th H.
Even though Saturn aspects Lagna, and Mars also aspects lagna, because of Mer & Ven in 5th H which is Purva Punya Sthan which also aspected by Jupiter negates the delay effect of Saturn. Since Mars is posited in Jupiter’s house, its effect also gets reduced. Hence Marriage is taken place in time only.

Saptamadhipati Guru in Bharani-4 Nakshatra, which is the Nakshatra of marriage significator Venus, who is posited in 5th H forming the yoga of Lakshmi-Narayana.
Guru himself is posited in Aries Rashi, which is belonging to Mars, who is in the Nakshatra of Ketu posited in Sagittarius, the lord of it is Guru. Hence here an exchange of planets between Mars & Jupiter took place, so Parivarthana Yoga is formed. We also believe that saptmadhipati is belonging to Kalatra and hence Kalathra will carry all the qualities of Jupiter. Means,
 (Satwik, fiery, benefic)
Friends           : Sun, Mars, Moon.
Enemies        : Mercury, Venus.
Neutral           : Saturn
Lord of            : Sagittarius, Pisces.
Mooltrikona   : Sagittarius 0°-10°
Exaltation      : Cancer 5°
Debilitation    : Capricorn 5°
Kalas/kiranas            : 10/12
Sex     : Male
Direction        : North- east.
Lucky colours            : Light blue, yellow shades lemon.
Lucky stone   : Yellow sapphire, Golden topaz (4 to 6 cts. in gold)
Lucky nos.: 3, 12, 21.
Deity   : Lord Narayan, Shiva, Indra, Brahma.
Beej mantra:
Om graam greem graum se gurve namah. (19000 times)
Vedic mantra:
देवानां च ऋशीणां च गुरु कान्चन सन्निभम्।
बुधिभूतं त्रिलोकेश तं गुरुं प्रणामाम्यहम्।।
Articles of donation:
Turmeric, gram dal, topaz, gold, ruby, salt, jaggery or yellow cloth, flowers or laddoos. (On Thursday evening).
Fair complexion, stout body, obese, phlegmatic.
Humor & parts of the body:
Thighs, phlegm, tongue, lungs, ears, knees, kidneys, liver, fat, brain, spleen.
Stomach troubles, gaseous troubles, cerebral problems, diabetes, dyspepsia, hernia, swooning, cataract, enlargement of organs, diseases of ears, spleen, lungs or navel, flatulence, adrenals, abscesses, piles, mental upsets, anemic, gall- bladder, jaundice, dropsy, fevers, carbuncle, giddiness, body pains, vertigo.
Knowledge, wisdom, happiness and plentiful, jeeva.
Prominent qualities:
A spiritual, philosophical Planet of expansion and dignity, gives spirituality and wisdom. An idealistic planet, biped.
Guru, paternal grand-parents, husband, sons, religion, religious acts, faith, scriptures, sacrifice, devotion, good qualities, wealth, intelligence, education, knowledge, royal honors, logic, astrology, control over senses, good virtues, jnana, prosperity.
Professions & occupations:
Philosopher, professors, judge, law, lawyers, law-courts, scholars, venerable &respectable position, banks, treasuries, income tax, revenue, editors, teachers,
Auditors, advertisements, financiers, councilors, priests, saints and sages, charitable institutions, temples, share market, ministers



: Jupiter.
: The archer.
: Sun, Moon, Mars
: Saturn.
: Mercury, Venus
: Venus, Saturn.
: Gemini (7th).
: Mercury.
: Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter.
: -
: -
: Jupiter 0°-10°
Ideal match signs
: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Moon’s auspicious degree
: 23°
Moon’s Inauspicious degrees
: 13°, 18°
Lucky perfume
: Lignaloes
Lucky gems
: Topaz in gold in first finger in right hand.
Lucky colours
: Orange, green, white, cream, light blue, emerald. Avoid red black pearl.
Lucky days
: Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
Lucky numbers
: 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9.
Day of fast
: Thursday
: Vitality

Characteristics of Sagittarius:

Fiery, dual, common, double-bodies, dwiswabhava, semi fruitful, prishtodaya, east, dry, male, positive, 1st half biped later half quadruped, nocturnal, medium ascension,
dakshinayana, bilious, Poh (15 Dec.- 15 Jan.), deaf in afternoon, solar sector, a malefic (krura), odd, day sign, jeeva (insects to human beings), the warrior class (kshtriya), upaya rasi, bestial, mysterious, 1st ½ voice, philosophical sign.

Appearance & Looks:

Well-developed figure, good looking, short stature, usually tall, light brown hair, large head, large neck, happy smile, long face and neck, bad nails, prominent nose and
Ears, round limbs, inclined towards corpulence, lower teeth and lower lip big, fleshy arms, fat thighs and belly fleshy, bent shoulders, almond eyes.

Positive traits:

These Rashi people are Religious, Sympathetic, Sacrificing in Nature, Philosophical, God fearing, Happy- go- Lucky, Open and Fair Minded, Optimistic, Humane, Frank, Energetic, Honest, Active, Enterprising, They are also Versatile, Very Dynamic, Prompt, Very Humble, Visionary, Hate external show business & hypocrisy, Very Inspiring, Very Jovial person, Orthodox, holds no grudges, Very impulsive and Sincere.
Negative traits: -If negative persists, they are Irresponsible, Argumentative, Careless, over anxious, Uncommitted, Boastful, Habit of Preaching, Restless Indecisive callous, conventional and business like.
Parts of the body ruled: - Liver, thighs, hips, pelvis, and sacrum.
Glands, nerves, arteries:-Sciatica nerve, arterial system.

Possible diseases:

Baldness, injuries and diseases of thighs and hips, nervous breakdown, liver disorders, lungs, sudden fit, gout, obesity, falls, typhoid, pelvis, wounds, sciatica, varicose veins, nerves, rheumatism, paralysis.
Professions & Trades: -Ministers, army commanders, lecturer, teacher, professor, publisher, astrology, writer,
publisher, philosopher, advisors, executive authority, civil engineers, councilors, explorer, priests, vet, weaponry, cattle, cavaliers, lawyers, professional sports man/woman, animal husbandry, accountancy.
1- Sagittarians are optimist, both gay and bright who loves independence and disdains restraint.
2- Sagittarians are extensive, expansive and philosophical.
3- Sagittarians will speak out what he feels right without considering how others will relish his words.
4- Sagittarians ‘gains without pains’ if lords of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 11th are posited in Purvashadha constellation.


( Characteristics of 7th Bhava are:-Spouse; Marriage; Partnership; Son –in –Law; Adopted son; Desire; Marital Relationship; Increase of family burden; Maternal Cousin; Deviation from the right path; Loss of Sex; perfumes, music and flowers;
Delicious food, drinks and the like; Chewing the betel leaves; Urinary track; Anus; Commerce or trade; Charities; Valor; Destruction of enemies; Victory; Quarrel,
Argument; Discussion; Loss of memory, Controversy Statements; Foreign or distant place; Theft; Gambling; Sweet or pleasant mansion; Genetic organ)
Mesha, Mithuna, Simha, Tula, Dhanus and Kumba, the odd rashis, are male signs and Vrishaba, Kataka, Kanya, Vrischika, Makara and Meena, the even rashis, are female signs. Tula rashi governs the marriage and partner of life, Vrischika rashi governs the sex life of a person and Meena rashi rules the extra marital life.
Like zodiac Native's Natal chart also divided into twelve parts known as "Bhava" commencing from Lagna Bhava and they are: Lagna Bhava, Dhana Bhava, Sahaja Bhava, Sukha Bhava, Putra Bhava, Roga Bhava, Kalatra Bhava, Ayushya Bhava, Bhagya Bhava, Karma Bhava, Labha Bhava, and Vyava Bhava. All odd rashis forms any Bhava are called as Male Bhavas and even Rashis forms any Bhava are called as female Bhavas. 7th Bhava from Lagna rules Marriage and partner of life, 8th Bhava rules the sex life and 12th Bhava rules the extra marital life.

The nine planets are moving round the zodiac and they are: Sun, Moon, Mangala, Budha, Jupiter, Venus, Shani, Rahu and Ketu. Of these Sun, Mangala and Jupiter are representing males, Moon and Venus represents females, Budha and Shani represents eunuchs (Napumsaka) and Rahu and Ketu are Chandalas (out caste)
All the planets have their aspects in their respective 7th houses. In addition to this Mangala has an aspect on 4th and 8th houses. Jupiter has an aspect on 5th and
Ninth houses. Shani has an additional aspect on third and tenth houses. Rahu has an additional aspect on 5th, ninth and 12th houses, because Rahu moves in
Anticlockwise   direction   its aspects   should   be   counted   in   that direction. Planet Ketu has no aspect on 7th as well as no special aspect.
Venus is the karaka planet governing marriage, partner and sex life, semen and genital organ in a male horoscope. Mangala is karaka planet governing marriage, partner, and rules over ovaries and female organ. Both MOON and Mangala rule the Menses in female.
•           7th House from Lagna, Moon, Sun and Venus, and Tula rashi rule the marriage and partner. •    8th House from Lagna, Sun, Moon and Vrischika rashi and Venus rule the sex life in a male. •          12th houses from Lagna, Moon and Sun and Venus rules the extra-marital life of a male


•           7th House from Lagna, Moon Sun and Mangala rule the marriage and partner.
•           8th House from Lagna, Sun, Moon, Mangala and Vrischika rashi rules the sex life in female. •            12th House from Lagna, Moon Sun and Mangala rule the extra marital life of a female.
The 7th house is primarily seen for relationships and marital aspects of a native and secondarily for business and trade. Presence of malefic or affliction to this house, causes marital disharmony, trouble to spouse's health. Since this house is opposition
To the Lagna, planets placed here significantly affect the Lagna by aspect. If the planets placed here is friend to the Lagna lord, then the Lagna (self) gains from the significations of the 7th house, however, if inimical to the Lagna lord, then the native suffer due to the significations of the planets placed in the 7th.
Since any relationships is an emotional bond, predominant with water elements, any fiery planet's (Sun, Mangala) placement in this house can cause trouble in the marital life and the relationship bond of the native as fire is inimical to the water element. Placement of watery planets such as MOON and Venus makes the native highly emotional regarding relationship with the opposite sex and they tend to be more passionate and like to have company with many partners. If these planets are afflicted, then this might cause perversions.

Mangala and Budha gets into Marana karaka avastha since, Mangala is a bachelor and hence abhors marriage or any relationship with the opposite sex. For Budha, he is still an undeveloped sexually and thus in the house of relationship, Budha feels extremely uncomfortable. However, not both give similar results while placed in the 7th house. Mangala is more deadly as it causes the Mangala Dasha and makes marriage a difficult path to tread. However, though Budha is not as bad as Mangala,
It makes the native suffer from impotency and not able to cope up sexually with the partner. In addition, Mangala and Budha's functional and natural signification suffer significantly while they are placed in the 7th house.



Unfavorable: III health; Loss of spouse/ III health to spouse (due to Mangala dasha); Obstacles in getting married; Move away from home; Sexual intimacy with women of loose character; Sexual perversions (association with Budha/ Shani); Fond of liquor; Sexual intercourse with women in Menses (association with Ketu); Without potency; Full of vanity; Humiliation at the hand of opposite sex; Immoral; Unhappy; Troubled; Suffer poverty and troubled by enemies & diseases.

7th Bhava

•           7th Bhava is called as house of spouse or house of Kalatra.
•           This house deals with health of the partner also.
•           7th Bhava is the 2nd House to 6th house, house of “Runa, Roga & Ripu”.
•           Generally there should not be Venus in 7th House in case of Males and Mangal & JUPITER in case of females as “ ಕಾರಕೋ ಭಾವನಾಷಾಯ”
•           If 7th Bhava is in Papa Kartari Yoga, it is not good at all.
·         The lord of 7th Bhava should not be in 6th House also from Lagna!
•           Even the lord of 7th Bhava should not be in 2nd H also as it becomes 8th House to
•           7th Bhava is not good. It indicates even two marriages also!
•           If the Sun (Sun) is posited in the 7th house, the husband will live away from her.
•           If the Moon is posited in 7th House, husband will be handsome.
•           The husband will be poor & lustful if the 7th house is occupied by Mangala(Kuja)
•           Happy and learned, if occupied by JUPITER
•           Ease-loving and handsome if occupied by  VENUS
•           Ugly looking and foolish, if occupied by Shani.
Combinations for a Virtuous Wife and Happy married Life:-
Parameters and conditions which give happy married life
There should be a thorough examination of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 7th and 12th house, besides the quality of the overall Horoscope. In additional there is a need to
Spend more time to check the divisional charts such as Navamasha and the operating Dasha system besides the transit of planets. Following houses should be strong and their lords should be well placed enjoying good strength. Also there should preferably be the aspect of benefic planet on them.

No aspect is better than the aspect of cruel planets: -

1.         Ascendant / Lagna and lagna lord
2.         7th house - it is traditionally the house of marriage.
3.         5th house - it is the house of romance, house of progeny and state of mind / emotions.
4.         Planets in 7th house and the 7th house - from natural ascendant, 7th from Moon and 7th from Venus should also be examined.
5.         12th house - house of sexual enjoyment. The affliction of the 12th house / lord by malefic especially if they are lords of six is not good. As it, may give impotency / frigidity.
6.         4th house - the house of happiness.
7.         2nd house - the kutumbha (immediate family) and wealth
8.         Moon as karka of mind.
9.    Venus - Significator of 7th house and semen.
10. Mars - planet of virility.
How to check if the relevant house is unblemished?

A house to be good should have following:-

1.         There should be aspect of benefic planets on the house.
2.         The house should not be afflicted by malefic.
3.         The natural malefic planets are Sun, Mars, Saturn, and Rahu & Ketu.
4.         It should be in Shubh Kartari yoga and not be hemmed in between malefic planets.
5.         It should be strong in strength (bhavabala).
6.         It should have above average benefic points (28 and above) in ashtakvarga.
7. Of course, the aspect of benefic planets will add to the beauty.  
Examination of Navamasa:-

 If the navamasa occupied by lord of seven is benefic and lord of seven is also associated with benefic, it shows a good and happy married life.
•           The native's wife will live long and be good-natured if the lord of the 7th house counted either from the ascendant or the MOON is associated with or aspected by a benefic planet.
•           If the 7th house itself is occupied or aspected by its own lord, or by the lord of the 9th house, the native’s wife will live long. •            For a married life it is essential that the significator of the 7th house, Venus, is posited in a friendly sign or conjoined with or aspected by a benefic planet.•      If the lord of the 7th house is conjoined with the lord of the ascendant the native's married life will be happy.•       If the 7th house, its lord & Venus are all present in even signs, the wife will be beautiful.•     If the Moon occupies the Lagna or 7th house in his own or exaltation sign, and is aspected
by a benefic planet, the wife will be beautiful.•    When benefic planets occupy the 2nd' 7th & 11th houses counted from the lord of the 7th house, the native's married life will be a happy one.


7th Bhavadhipati is Vakri  and in Mars’ star of Chitta and has kendradhipatya dosha as well as Marakdhipatya dosha also. Jupiter also aspects its own 7th Bhava, Sagittarius is blessing one. All these indicates that married life may not be as happy
We see, but there will be no problems as marriage significator being Venus, a benefic planet inspecting directly Jupiter from Libra is plus point. Here “ KARKO BHAVA NASHAYA”principle may not apply fully.
KALATRA KARAKA VENS:- Venus is posited in his own rashi and that too in purva janma punya sthan and creating Lakshmi-Narayana Yoga with Mercury, the lord of Lagna as well as lord of 4th House. He is also Yoga Karaka for Mithuna Lagna and is also aspected by Jupiter from Aries is a plus point to the native.
NAVAMSHA KUNDALI:- Navamsha Lagna is in Kumbha, along with Ketu, in turn Ketu is in the nakshatra of Budha, Ashlesha-3. Again here Venus in exalted house and in 2nd H and aspected by Vakri Guru from Scorpio is blessing to the native. Navamsha lagnadhipati is posited in his shatru SUN’s sthan along with Rahu. So Lagnamsha moved to Shatru Kshetra. Saptamadhipati Sun moved to 6th H which is house of Moon, Kataka. In fact Sun in 6th H is always good. Janma saptamadhipati Guru in Scorpio, which is the native’s 10th H and is aspected by Chandra-Mangala
From the house of Venus forming Gajakesari Yoga. Most of the Grahas are posited in shubhamsha is a good thing.
You may observe that dispositor of Venus is Jupiter, which is posited in Aries, house of profit in Rashi Kundali is good. Again Jupiter is in Venus Nakshatra Bharani and hence Jupiter acts as Venus which is the lord of 5th House and 12th House is also good. What we think that Jupiter has Maraka as well as Badhaka Adhipatya and also has Kendradhipatya Dosha may not work in this case as he acts as Venus in true sense! Hence the native in fact enjoyed fruits in Jupiter Maha Dasha as well as in his Bhukti also!
We also observe that, Mon in 4th Navamsha, which is also called as Sukhamsha. Along with Moon, Mars also present. From opposite side Vakri Jupiter aspects both creating Gaja Kesari Yoga! So Moon Dasha will be good for the native. Again the dispositor Venus is posited in 5th House in Rashi Kundali along with Mercury creating Lakshmi-Narayana Yoga. Though according to the definition of Lakshmi-Narayana Yoga, these planets should be either in Kendra or Svakshetra or in Uchcha Kshetra for forming Malavya Yoga and Lakshmi-Narayana yoga, according to my experiences, even if it is Kona Sthan also, it is forming Lakshmi-Narayana Yoga.
Mercury in Navmsha Kundali placed in Astamamsha from Lagnamsha. However its dispositor Venus is posited in 5th House Libra in Rashi Kundali and hence Mercury Dasha will be still Good. More than, Mercury in Rashi Kundali is with Venus and in Bhava Kundali it is with Sun and Saturn in 4th Bhava , which is Mercury’s Uchcha Kshetra. Hence during the dasha period of Mercury, the native’s name and fame may be widened and also his happiness will be still multi folded. He may come out with books during this Mercury Dasha period of 17 years to be commencing from Feb, 2018!
Sun is posited in Rogamsha in Navamsha Kundali from Kumbha Lagnamsha. However, its dispositor Moon in Rashi Kundali is in Exaltation as well as in 12th
House. More than that he himself is the sources of Finance and he himself is the root cause for the spending! Hence, the native will be spending for the good cause during Dasha Bhukti period of Moon.
Mars in Navamsha Kundali is in Sukhamsha. However, depositor Venus is in 5th House in Rashi Kundali along with Mercury forming Lakshmi-Narayana Yoga. Good.

Rahu in Navamsha Kundali  is in Kalatra Sthan. However its depositor Sun in Rashi Kundali is in 4th Bhava along with Saturn and Mercury. Hence he will be serving
Banking related Organizations where Government’s stake is there or in Government companies or organizations. He will have differences of opinion between executives and himself as Sun is for the executives. He will get some respectable job with sheer hard work and with difficulties. He will be working in the organizations very legally as Saturn is for the justice. He will be working amidst of computers. Technologically he will be getting name and fame. There will be absolute support from his higher-ups also. He will be very friendly with clerical cadre people as Saturn is Karaka for class IV employees.
DASHA BHUKTI:- During the period of Marriage, Rahu MD, Venus AD, Rahu PD and Ven SD were taking place. At the time of marriage on 24th Feb, 1978, Jupiter was posited in Mithuna  Lagna along with Vakri Mars which is 11th H from Navamsha Lagna of Leo in which Moon  and Vakri Saturn was posited and the lord of Navamsha lagna Sun was posited in Kumbha along with Venus and Mercury, Ketu was in Pisces and
Rahu was in Kanya. ON 24th Feb, 1978 being Guru in Mithuna which is just in 2nd H from Janma Moon in Taurus caused GURU BALA to the native and thereby supported for marriage to the native. Main dasha was running Rahu, which is in 8th
House, which is also called as Randhra house in which the native’s marriage was taken place.

RAHU MD (4, 8, 9)         VEN AD (5,12)   RAHU   PD (4,8,9)      VEN (SD) (5,12)
MARS (6, 11)                  RAHU (4, 8, 9)   MARS          (6,11)        RAHU     (6,11)
RAHU (4, 8, 9)                MON (2, 11)        RAHU         (4, 8, 9)     MON       (2, 11)

JUP PAD (7,10,11)
VEN          (5, 12)
KETU        (2, 6, 11)

We require (2, 7 & 11) in this Maha Dasha, Antra Dasha, Pratyantra Dasha, Sukshma Dasha and PAD period. Hence Marriage took place on 20th Feb,1978.
NO SIGNAL FOR DELAYED MARRIAGE :- Though Mangal was in 7th and SATURN’s aspect on Lagna, so also that of Mars, there is much significance of delayed marriage as Benefic Jupiter as well as Venus and Lagna Lord Mercury overtake these malefic aspects.
1.    There was no delay of marriage in this horoscope.
2.    Marriage took place on time
3.    Marriage was happy married life.
4.    The native this horoscope spent already 39 Years
5.    Astakoot points were only 17. However, phalaphal of the horoscope is good.
6.    There were much favorable points in the horoscope.. One among them was after marriage the girl will be lucky as the lord of 7th Bhava is posited in house of Profit.
7.    7th Lord Jupiter is for sober nature.
8.    7th House Mars in Bhava Kundali comes to 6th H which is his own house and is good to the native.
9.    7th Lord Jupiter is aspected by Lakshmi-Narayana, I mean Venus & Mercury. Hence the incoming lady is too intelligent and artistic one. So she has an expertise in sewing and knitting.
10. All these qualities took the native for completion of 39 years

By Dr. Parampalli Surendra Upadhya, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Astrology),


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