Gemini RASHI or LAGNA is Dual sign RASHI or LAGNA. It is an Airy sign, Vaishya rashi, Green in colour. People of Gemini are very talkative as the lord of this rashi is MER. The direction of the rashi falls on South-East. MER is the karaka for Education (Vidya) , karaka for Intelligence (Buddhi). Mer is Satvic in nature and Mithun Rashi is having Tridosh (Vata, Pith and Kaph) in pravratti and normally these Rashi /Lagna persons forecast about the Future. If night, it tells about Jeeva and rashi belongs to “KAMA”. TWO BOYS is the symbol of the rashi. It is the 3rd house from KALAPURUSHA and FIRST from the LAGNA. Mercury is an impotent planet, and hence this Rashi /Lagna has the qualities NONP RODUCTION. As this is Vayu Tatva Rashi / Lagna , people are mostly suffering from Vayu(Gas) Problems.
The natives of this Rashi / Lagna are having dual in nature because of Duality of the Sign. Other people should not believe these rashi / lagna people because they are having intelligence and talking power to change the situation as per their likings because the lord of the rashi is MER. The symbol of the rashi shows two children, it means however they grow, they are like children only and never ever they change their personality. People will some time say that you are same old person whom I saw you 20 -30 years back! These rashi/lagna persons are having tremendous energy and courage that any wok is given, they are ready to complete with. Gemini rashi /lagna people are vaishya in nature means they are business oriented persons. If you give Rs.10.00, they will return Rs.10.00 or even less than that and never ever will pay more than this as they are Vaisya in nature either find profit in it or no loss no profit culture. However, they will not entertain you in future, once you stop giving this also!. They give much importance for this type of business respect rather than giving simple respect. So if you invite, they invite and if you stop, they never ever invite you at all in the life! So be careful with Gemini People.
So, we understand that these GEMINI RASHI/LAGNA people are very intelligent and educated people since MER is the karaka for “ VIDYA AND BHUDDI”. They are very cruel in act ,some what having tit for tat attitude people also!. The natives are adjustable in nature because of the duality of the sign. He is also using trading culture in his every actions of life, because of MER. The direction of MER is NORTH. The number of MER in numerology is 5. So these natives are very intelligent as MER is the intelligent planet and also very good at their education.
Now let us see various RASHI PEOPLE against the natives of GEMINI.
For Geminians, ARIES is 11th house, which is house of gains and small diseases. Small diseases because it is 6th to 6th house. It is 1st house from KALAPURUSHA. As such, house ARIES becomes profit house for the GEMINI People. Mars being the lord of that house will become labhadhipati and during the dasha period, he may bestow with full profits, provided he is well placed. Again since it is 1st house from KALAPURUSH, it will give courage to his personality and the native becomes very stubborn in nature.
For Taurans, It is the house of 12th and from KALAPURUSH and it is 2nd house from Aries. 2nd house is for Finance, Family and for Speech. Since VEN is the lord of that house, mostly Gemini People are very lucky to be bestowed with Very Good Finance, Very Good Family and speech contains sweetness. Their primary education will also be good. At the same time it is the 12th house for GEMINI, and these people may go abroad during the Primary Dasa and Antardasa period of VEN.
For GEMINIANS, house CANCER is 2nd house and is 4th house from KALAPURUSH. For Gemini People, it bestows with Very Good Finance, Very Good Family and a GOOD speech as the lord of the house is MOON. Gemini people will get good in law’s place if an exalted or a benefice planet occupies CANCER rashi. Since cancer is a “JAL” rashi, money flows like water for GEMINI people. 2nd house is also karaka house for In-Laws. They need not to be worried for money at any point of time.
For GEMINIANS, Leo becomes the 3rd house, house of Siblings as well as for Courage (“PARAKRAMA”) and for short travels also. At the same time Leo becomes 5th house of KALAPURUSH. 5th house is for Purva Punya Stan, Memory, Higher Education, and Intelligence and also for the Children. 3rd house is also for hand writing and communication. So for Gemini people lord sun will bestow them very good and bold communications. Sun also gives them good intelligent children. Leo also gives them Courage to move ahead amongst the group of people.
For GEMINIANS, house Virgo becomes 4th house, and 4th house is for Mother, Property, Happiness (Sukh), Comforts, Vehicles, Public or Society, Higher Education etc. It is also 6th house from KALAPURUSH and 6th house is for “RUNA, ROGA and RIPU” along with Disputes in courts, Divorce, Services etc. It is Upachaya house also. Since MER is “SOUMYA GRAHA” and SOUMYA GRAHA in TRIK houses are deemed as ASHUBH, and hence GEMINIANS should be careful about diseases particularly skin related allergies and lungs related diseases like asthma, bronchitis or breathing related issues. It is also 4th house from GEMINI, MER bestows good house, good education, good intelligence, good analytical power etc. Minimum degree they will acquire and if other environments supports, they may do double, treble degrees also. Mostly GEMINANS are very good astrologers as MER is for this education. For your information the writer of this article is GEMINI LAGNA and as of date there are 500+ Videos uploaded in YOU TUBE!. Relationship of mother with GEMINANS is good.
For GEMINANS, Libra becomes the 5th house, which is house of Children, Purva Punya Stan and also house of Memory and for Stomach. However, from KALAPURUSHA it is 7th house, which is house of spouse, partnership. So for GEMINANS, relationship with the spouse will be good and the partnership also will be good. Their children may get higher education. They may pass in the Competitive examination also as it is 5th house from GEMINANS. If benefice planets are in Libra, then GEMINANS will be bestowed with all comforts such as house, vehicles, children etc.
For GEMINANS, Scorpio becomes the 6th house from GEMINI, and 6th house is for “RUNA, ROGA and RIPU” along with disputes in courts, Divorce, Services etc. It is Upachaya house also. Since MAR is “CRURA GRAHA” and it is in TRIK house also, are deemed as not a good omen (ASHUBH), as far as ROGA is considered and hence GEMINANS should be careful about diseases particularly blood related one as MARS is the karaka for blood. GEMINANS may get BP and Head ache regularly. They may get heart problems also if other bad planets aspect or conjunction is there. As regards to the enemies, they may not stand in front of GEMINANS directly as GEMINIANS are Good orator. But they may have “HITHA-SHATRUS”. SCORPIO is the 8th House of KALAPURUSHA and hence these rashi persons have to be fear for DEATH if the lord of this house is afflicted. These GEMINANS may dig treasure from the Earth as Scorpio is 8th house from KALAPURUSH. It means GEMINANS will go deep in anything they take in their hand. 8th House is for the secret knowledge and hence Geminians are bestowed with this knowledge. They may be expertise in Tantrik Vidya, Kavadi Shashtra, Tamboola shashtra, Horary Astrology, Astamangala Prashna etc.
For GEMINANS, Sagittarious becomes the 7th house and it is for spouse as well as for partnership . Since it is 9th house from KALAPURUSH, GEMINANS will be benefitted from their Father as 9th house is karaka of Father and GEMINANS will be more profited from Sagittarians as they stood at Bhagya stan. Hence for Gemini people, spouse of Sagittarian will be more Profitable or becoming their bhagya rather from any other rashi. The lord of the house GURU will become Adhyatmik planet and gives GEMINANS all sorts of Adhyatmik knowledge as well as Dharmik Pravratti. Brahaspati makes GEMINANS more intelligent and getting him very learned spouse also.
For GEMINANS, house of Capricorn becomes the 8th house, and hence these rashi persons have to fear for DEATH if the lord of this house is SATURN itself and SAT is normally planet of DEATH. These GEMINANS may dig treasure from the Earth as Capricorn is 8th house. It is 10th house from KALAPURUSH, house of karma. Being karmadhipati SATURN, makes the native of Gemini Rashi or Ascendant very hard working and very disciplined and non-corrupt people at work at their Office. So is the sincerity to the organisation, as far as Karma is considered. They believe in Bhagavatgita’s shloka “Karmanya Vadhika rasta ma phaleshu kadachana”. They believe and see GOD in doing only work and nothing else.
For GEMINANS, house Aquarius becomes 9th house where as from KALAPURUSH also it is 11th house. So from both sides it is an IMPORTANT HOUSE for GEMINANS as it is Bhagya stan for them and so also it is LABH stan as far as KALAPURUSH is considered. So any Aquarian guy or spouse will be very lucky for GEMINANS. They can marry them by closing their Eyes. The lord of the rashi Aquarious is SATURN becomes the lord of Trikona stan also. Hence SATURN also gives Geminians ‘ very GOOD luck also. Gemini’s intelligence and good communication, and Aquarions’ hard work and non-corrupt attitude will make a respectable personality in the Society.
For GEMINANS, house Pisces becomes 10th house , whereas from KALAPURUSH it is 12th house. So Pisces people are lucky in GEMINAN’S professional house as they are the Karakas for his promotion as well as getting respects in the Office environment. Kalapurusha’s 12th house will take Geminians to ABROAD and spend money for GEMINIANS in getting them comforts in their life. So, if daughter of PISCES, gets to the GEMINANS they will be lucky as they take care of GEMINANS very well. The lord of Pisces is once again JUP and JUP is for JNANA, DHARMA, and SOBER nature. It means from PISCES people, GEMINIANS are pruned for all these KARAKATVAS of GURU’s.
So as I understood, for GEMINIANS, ARIANS, CANCERIANS, LIBRANS, SAGITTARIANS, AQUARIANS are deemed as lucky people in their Life. So you can very well bring them as life partner in your life.
By Sri P Surendra Upadhya,
Retd. Principal, Dena Bank, Staff Training College, Karolbagh, New Delhi.
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