Saturday, 25 March 2017



Moon Trine





 Sun Trine





Analysis :-
1.     Sun is deemed as “Atma”, governing factor. IN the universe, Sun is the life-governing planet. Likewise, father governs the family. In future, son also becomes father and steps into the shoes of his father’s. In fact he is already doing the same. He has inherited 90% of his father's characteristics as it is! In fact it is due to God Gift only and elder's Ashirvad!
2.     Moon is Mind and called as “Mano Karaka Planet”. Mind reflects emotions, feeling. It is the quality of mother, affection and love. Moon changes daily. Changes are the quality of the moon!
3.     Mars is Ahankara-Body:- In Indian philosophy, body is referred to as ego!  The person is identified by his body and therefore it causes ego. Ego will emerges anger and enmity. Body functions on electrical and magnetic charges. Mars represents these energies. Body indicates the strength, Mars indicates the power. Power generates heat and in the body blood generates heat. Mars, therefore represents blood! Mars in the outer of Sun’s apparent path signify blood relations.
4.     Mercury represents Buddhi. In fact mercury is the son of moon. Hence intelligence is the product of mind. Mercury in the zodiac system interacts with number of planets and hence it represents friendship as well as business! Mercury also represents younger siblings
5.     Jupiter-Jeevah-Angirasah. Jupiter is Jeeva is mythological dictum. In mythology Guru is a guide to divine section. Therefore, Jupiter represents guiding factor. Because of this guiding factor, Jupiter becomes preacher. Jupiter represents nobility. In life, man always desires for good thing and success. Jupiter represents these factors.
6.     Venus represents Bhoga. He is preacher to demons. Demons normally happy with enjoyments. Therefore Venus represents enjoyments. It includes wine, women and wealth! Venus represents art. Mirtasanjeevini vidya –a lifesaving drug is known to only Daityacharya, i.e. Shukracharya. Hence Venus represents higher knowledge! Woman also becomes wife. Hence, wife is represented by Venus.
7.     Saturn- Karma Karaka. Karma is the ultimate reason for the birth. We all born to do some or the other Karmas (Prarabdha, Sanchita and Agami Karmas) Saturn is the last outer most planet in the orbit. Hence if Sun is bright, Saturn is dark! If Sun is hot, Saturn is very cold! Saturn is the slowest moving planet. Hence delay and laziness is attributed to this planet.  Karma in material world represents profession. Hence Saturn represents profession.
8.     Rahu – Maya. This is the energy zone created by Moon. This is a creation of mind! Hence Rahu is for illusion. Having no physical forms, it has got qualities of eclipsing other celestial bodies. It is hence treated as dangers and diseases! Since it revolves anticlockwise in direction, it represents unethical actions. Due to unique qualities, Rahu is attributed as foreign in nature. Its placement is an obstruction to Jupiter-Jeeva to enter earth. Therefore it is assigned with signification of death.
9.     Ketu-Moksha Karaka. This is also an energy zone created Moon, the mind. However, due to its placement between Venus and Mercury, it blocks the mercury effects and pulls the Venus effects.Hence it is assigned metaphysical nature. Due to its quality of blocking and pulling, it is assigned with de-linking, disputing, binding qualities.
10.                        Now in the Karma sign, Sun section has Ven and Mercury in one Konas (Kumbha, Mithuna and Libra)  and in other trines, only Mars is there. Though Jupiter is seen, because of its retrograde quality, it moved to Pisces, i.e. to Moon trine.
11.                        In another Moon trine,  Rahu indicating the “apasavya Karma” towards Moon, Mother and Sun (Father & Son) and also Saturn (Karma).
12.                        Saturn, being the sign of Mercury, given the native that Karma of commercial nature. Jupiter, since in retrograde motion, to be aken in the house of Pisces represents Dharma and hence the native is made to be Dharmik conscious whenever he used to do Karmas.
13.                        In other moon’s trine, Ketu is connected to Jupiter-Jeeva. Hence it indicates that the entire Jeeva of the native is for Moksha only! “Great”!
14.                        Venus and Mercury in the Moola trikona of Venus, house of the Daityacharya has developed an interest in astrology and still continued his studies in it. Venus Mercury in Sun trine gave him full enjoyment of all materialistic pleasures as there are no planets such a either Ketu or Rahu to prevent the native to enjoy with!.
15.                        The effect of past deeds and the present birth positions will be clearly seen with the division of Zodiac into Sun and Moon trines. In sun trine, Aries becomes the “moola Deha trikona” to Jeeva. Sagittarius becomes “moola Jeeva trikona”  The Sun sign Leo being a space factor represent vasana (reminisces) relating to pitru and putra, the living matters, Abhijnana (recognition), Jaya (Success) , Keerti (Fame) are the non-living matters represented by Sun.
16.                        Hence Sun’s three trikona represents ‘Rinanubandha”(bondage of debts), with respect to “prarabdha karma”(portion that needs to be worked out in this birth). The Vasana accrued from which the atma is to be released is in opposite rashi Kumbha. Pot is a symbolic representation of Kumbha, indicating filled up karma. Aquarius being a sign of Saturn opposite to the atma sign Leo, represents “Moola Karma Trikona”.This is the place of elder brother, who has the status equal to the father who takes the responsibility to discharge the karma by taking care of younger siblings. Karma is a resultant factor of buddhi and bhoga. The 5th sign in this trikona is rashi Mithuna, indicating Buddhi (Intelligence)  and younger siblings.(2nd, 3rd and 4th sign from Aquarius do not represent Budhdhi.)
17.                        Bhoga is the resultant factor of Buddhi which is in Libra a 5th sign from Gemini.(2nd, 3rd and 4th sign from Gemini do not represent Bhoga)For Rinanubandha, Venus, the lord of Libra becomes wife sharing the responsibility  with her husband. Due to this sharing responsibility, Libra becomes “Bhoga Trikona of Karma”.
18.                        Gemini represents younger siblings  does not share the responsibility. Hence Gemini will not be having any status of Moola-Trikona.
19.                        Subtle state of “Sanchita-Karma” occupies in space factor in visible half formed by lagna, while Sun-trine and its karma-trine represent”RInanubandha” and “Prarabdha Karma” respectively.
20.                        The distinguished “Rinanubandha” and “Bhoga-Karma” are termed as Sun-Trine and Sun-Karma Trine in this Nadi Work.
21.                        Hence the Sun-Trine consist of :-
a.     Jeeva Trine of Sun                         Leo, Sagittarius and Aries
b.     Karma Trine of Sun                       Aquarius, Gemini and Libra
22.                        For Karma-Trine of Sun, Saturn is the Lord whereas for Jeeva-Trine of Sun, Jupiter is the Lord.
23.                        In case of Moon-Trine, the present environment of emotional bondage and free will to do Karma in the present birth.
24.                        Moon Trines are :-
a.     Jeeva Trine of Moon                    Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
b.     Karma Trine of Moon                   Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.
25.                        The effect of Sun and Moon trines in horoscope is to be studies with respect to debts due to relational bondage and Karma in relation to past and present.
26.                        The visible half and invisible half of lagna indicate the accumulated deeds and the environment under which the present karma is to be carried out.
27.                        There is a complex combination of Jupiter (Jeeva) Mars (Deha), Moon (Manah), Mercury (Buddhi), Venus (Bhoga) in the Moon –Karma Trine. All these put together, an individual identity is formed on the earth indicating the activities and their effect during this birth.
28.                        Jupiter (Jeeva) gets exalted in the house of Moon having control over the Mind.
29.                        The Moon gets debilitated in its own trine, Scorpio.
30.                        Zto disturb the bliss of Jeeva with Bhoga, Venus gets exalted in Pisces, the sign of Jupiter.
31.                        In the Karma-Trine of Moon in Capricorn, Jupiter (Jeeva) is debilitated. Here the Mars (Deha) is exalted and activated by the exalted place of the Moon in Taurus, a bhoga sign and from buddhi sign Virgo where Mercury is exalted.



07/10/1952 at 11.45 Night.



1.     In the male horoscope we should consider Venus for the purpose of marriage.  The link of Jupiter or Saturn will ensure the marriage. Venus is in Libra and Jupiter is in Aries in retrograde position. As it is if we look Jup and Venus are linked in Samasaptaka mode. Hence marriage is ensured.
2.     If we take retrograde, Jupiter goes to Pisces. Rahu is always on retrograde motion. Hence if we consider Rahu in Aquarius, then Rahu(Aquarius) Gemini and Ven & Mer (Libra) will come in Moon trine.  In fact Marriage was taken place during Rahu Dasha, Venus Ad and Rahu PD on 24th Feb, 1978.

3.    Let us analyze Edu. Aspects AS PER NAVAGRAHA NADI:-
a.    Mercury is with Venus and this itself a sure signification of success in education as Jupiter and Saturn has link to it. How?
b.    If we consider Bhava Kundali, Mercury goes to Virgo and where it is exalted and also with Sun & Saturn.
c.     If we consider, Rashi, Venus and Mercury together with under the direct aspect of retrograde Jupiter.
d.    If we consider, Jupiter in Pisces due to its retrograde mode, then also Mercury, Saturn and Sun will be under the direct aspect of Jupiter.
e.    Hence the native did post graduation, that too in electronics and later onwards he went to IT fields only which is of Mercury’s!.
a.     From the position of Saturn, 5th House is occupied by Rahu. Hence his Job must be on Technical note only.

b.     Mercury has got link with Saturn as well as with Sun in Bhava kundali. Hence his must be a clerical job and that too in Government concern or where Government stake is there. Since Mercury is for Computer, Banking, Business the native gone to the Banking Industry as a clerk (Saturn) and worked in IT institute. Banking also doing the business! Banking is also having Government stake at 51%.!

Dr. Parampalli Surendra Upadhya, M.Sc.Ph.D (Astrology)

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