1. When I mentioned Lucky Cube, it means you can do the followings:-
a. You can do any auspicious works on that particular day.
b. You can choose those numbers as your partners in the Business.
c. You can also marry those numbered persons.
2. If I mentioned “Unlucky Cube”, it means:-
a. They are your opponents and not fit to be married.
b. You can not do any auspicious works on these days.
c. You can not absorb them as Business Partners.
3. Number 1 represents Planet Sun. King of all the planets.
4. Number 1 is aggressive, a necessary energy for creating and producing.
5. It is the beginning of all the other numbers have tremendous potentiality and Energy.
6. The shape of number 1 speaks it’s meaning. It is straight upright with utmost pride and purpose.
7. They always prefer to work alone. But in group they are the dictators.
8. It is not that they are very harsh. In fact they are very soft in their heart, which others are not aware of. Only persons working with them will be understanding.
9. It means Leadership.
10. It means egoistic in nature.
11. It means Ruling.
12. It means Father.
13. It means Head of a state.
14. It means Head of a country
15. It means you are a king.
16. Lucky cube for this number 1 is 2, 3, 4 and 5.
17. Number 5 is the complete surrendering.
18. 1=Father, King; 2= Moon, Mother, Queen; 3= Jupiter(Guru) ; 4= (Rahu) God;5 =Mercury, means Intellect and Education.
19. Unlucky Cube :- 6,8 and 9. 6=Venus, 8=Saturn, 9 = Mars.
20. For your information for Sun, Saturn no Problems. But for Saturn, Sun is Deead Enemy.
21. What is the negativity of Number 1 is the Stubbornness, Intolerance and single minded persons.
22. What is positive in them is they meant actions. They meant success.They meant duties and responsibilities.
23. They should purchase mobile having 37,46 and 55 in the last two digits.
24. For business people, 1,5 and 6 should come as the last digit in the mobile number.
25. Why because, 1= Gouri, 5 = Sarasvathi and 6 means Lakshmi.
26. Number 5 is the best number for number 1.
27. In horoscope also , Sun-Mer combination forms Budhaditya Yoga. If so they are very educative and intellect people.
28. Cheque numbers should be 1, 3 and 5.
29. If in the business, the first bill should be ending with 5,14 and 41. The first amount to be drawn should in %s.5.00 only.
30. Lucky metal is Copper.
31. Lucky bhagwan or god is Lord Shiva or Sun God himself.
32. Daily morning they should cultivate to offer Sun God a tumbler of water.
33. Daily create a habit of offering Sun God “Namhaskar” as Sachin Tendulkar does.
34. It is better to pour one glass of Milk on lord Shiva on every Monday.
35. Don’t go for marriage between number 1 and number 9. Ego clashes will definitely come.
36. If Jup or Mars present with Sun, they get very boldness.
37. If they get a thick line just below the ring finger, their Sun is very strong.
38. If Jupiter’s aspect is on Sun, then they will be having good characters.
39. If I quote examples of number 1, Diana Elizabeth, Karnataka’s Ex CM Mr. S M Krishna, Marilynn Menro (01/06/1926), Sri J H Patel of Karnataka’s Ex CM all are born in number 1.
40. Srimati Aishvarya Rai Bachan, , Srimati Vidyabalan are all number 1 .
41. If birth number is 1 and future number 2, it is very Good.
42. If birth number is 1 and future number 3, they are Good Directors. Ex. O P Rai.
43. If birth number is 1 and future number 4, Very Good Business Man.
44. If birth number is 1 and future number 5, Very Good Business Man.
45. If birth number is 1 and future number 7, SO SO.
46. If birth number is 1 and future number 8, SO SO.
47. If birth number is 1 and future number 9, Very Bold.
48. Daiana also number 1, Marilyn Menro also number 1 became Pathetic Heroes.
49. Number 1 always attracts 2,3,4 and 5.
50. Diana (1) Married Charles (14). Their 1st son born on 21 and 2nd son born on 6.
51. But her second son (6) gave number 1, Diana Tension. Their bond of marriage broken.
52. Dodified (Number 6) borb on 15th. They wanted to exchange the ring on 3rd. But he died on 31st with an accident. Number 6 and number 3 are deadly opposite numbers.
53. Rajanikant’s adopted father Sri Kalyanasundaram born on 10th, is number 1. Rajnikant is number 3. Mr Kalian Sunderam was respected with golden coins and costly shawl. However, Mr Kalian Sunderam offered that shawl to one of the old person sitting in the dias itself. All the golden coins are distributed to the girls came to the function. See the number 1’s power.
54. He was with Mr Rajnikant for just 1 ½ years only. Thereafter he left him and wandering village to village. So is the power of Number 1. They don’t care for anybody and for anything.
Written by
Sri P Surendra Upadhya
Retd. Principal, Dena Bank Staff Training College, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.
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