Tuesday, 7 March 2017



 “Ka se Krishna, Ka se Kansa”, “R se Rama, R se Ravana” How it is possible? Rashi is same. That is Kataka Rashi. Nakshatra is also same. That is Punarvasu, which is Jupiter’s. Then characteristics are different! Why so? Ravana born in the middle of Gemini & Cancer and hence he became an expert in Jyotishya Shastra. But the same was not even nearer to Lord Rama. How? Why this difference? Are you not surprised by this statement? Yes it is true. It is because each rashi is consisting of 2 ½ Nakshatras and each Nakshatra has 4 charanas or padas. Hence there are 27 Nakshatras in our Zodiac and 12 Rashis. Hence it comes to 108 padas altogether for 12 Rashis. That is why our rishis are telling us to chant one “Jap Mala” which consists of 108 “Manis” or beads, which stand for each pada of Nakshatra. If we complete one “Jap Mala”, we complete 108 Padas and there by all our Ashwini Devatas are becoming happy with our chanting of their names and thereby remembering them.

Sun is the king of all planets. He is the energy giver to the whole world. There are many such Suns in our Zodiac system. But we believe one which is daily rising in the east and setting in west. Our great Astrologers used to say those who are having strong Sun in their horoscope will shine like a King. Same if Mars is strong in the horoscope, they shine like the captain of an army. Likewise Moon is karaka for Mother, Mother-in-Law, for beauty, cold etc. Venus is also karaka for beauty, luxury, Daughter in Law, entertainment, Arts & Music etc. Jupiter is karaka for children and Jnana or Knowledge and Dharma and for soberness etc. For knowing whether bride or bridegroom are available or not, we have seen Jupiter, Venus and Mars in a horoscope.
For a girl we have to see the position of Jupiter in a horoscope to find out whether she gets husband or not? If Rahu or Ketu exists in front of Jupiter, for that horoscope, it is very difficult to get husband. If Moon is in front of Jupiter, the native of the horoscope should go to distant places or even to foreign countries. At least he or she should leave the native place. Even if Ketu also exists, then they have to go for the job which involves traveling. If Ketu is in front of Saturn, then they have to work near the places where water exists. Saturn is karaka for Iron ore, steel, workers. Saturn is for the justice. Saturn is for Astrology. Saturn is for slowness as it is called as “Manda” Graha.

Saturn is karaka for Dharma and Karma. Mercury is karaka for education, intelligence, business, banking, computers, talkativeness etc. Rahu is always for moving like a snake. Rahu is karaka for talk and for the expansion and also for the frauds. Rahu does not allow a person to stay at one fixed place. Ketu is karaka for secret or hidden jnana or knowledge and also karaka for Vairagya or Sanyasi. Ketu is also karaka for education. In Tamil one slogan is there. That is:-

 “Rahuppol kuduparilyai, Ketuppol kedupparilyai” means, Rahu always gives and Ketu always takes it back or spoils. As per my experience for the last 40 years in Astrology, I observe that in Rahu Dasha, one progress well and goes to the peak position in their life. Whereas in Ketu Dasha, one will go to the lowest position in the society Ketu dasha makes the native “Daridra” or poor or even a begger. Here we can remember the Ketu dasha period to Shri Amitab Bachchan Saheb and Late Sri. N. T. Rama Rao, an icon in Telugu Cinema as well as Andhra’s ex Chief Minister who reuled to the best of people’s expectations. If Venus and Mercury are together in a horoscope, we call it as “Lakshmi Narayana Yoga”.

In fact in a horoscope, 1, 4, 7 and 10 positions from Lagna called as Kendra Sthana and are called as Vishnu Sthana and 1, 5, and 9 is called as Trikona or Lakshmi Sthana. If the lords of these houses are together or even aspects also forms this Lakshmi-Narayana Yoga. I mean 1-4; 1-7; 1-9; 4-1; 4-7; 4-9; 7-1; 7-5; 7-9; 10-1; 10-5; 10-9 all forming “Lakshmi Narayana Yog”. Again if Jupiter and Moon either together with (Yukti) or even by position of Kendra sthana forms GajaKesri Yoga. Likewise there are many such prominent yogas are there and can be applied to a horoscope when we do analysis of a horoscope.

Our people say if benefics are in Trick houses such as 6, 8 and 12 House, then it will do well. But my experience say that if Papa grahas or Malefics like Saturn, Sun and Mars, Rahu & Ketu are in these houses will do good only. It is because (-ve) * (-ve) = (+ve) principle will apply to these. Again if you count from your Janma Nakshatra to the star when Sun enters one rashi and if you multiply that number by 7 and divide by 8, and if you get the reminders:-

1.           Disease.
2.           Profit.
3.           Travel.
4.           Jail.
5.           Financial gains.
6.           Happiness.
7.           Loss of Money.
8.           Sudden Death.  

While planets in transit will give the following results:-

3,6,7,10, & 11
1,3,6,7,10 & 11
3,6, & 11
2,4,6,8,10, & 11
2,5,7,9,& 11

Mesha Rashi has Ashwini-4, Bharani-4 and Krittika-1. If the lord of Ashwini is Ketu, the lord of Bharani Nakshatra is Venus and that of Krittika is Sun. That is why we are telling that Rashi is same, but characters are different. It is because of different characteristics of Mars, Venus & Sun. If Sun is karaka for Arrogance, Ruling, Father, King, Prime Minister etc., Venus is karaka for Money, Luxury, Entertainment, Arts, Music and Dance, ladies and for business etc.

Whereas Ketu is karaka for Ganapati, Vairagya, Jnana, Secret Knowledge, Electronic Items, Mobile and for deep rooted research works etc. Mars is karaka for BP, Stubborn attitudes, Courage, Angry, Disputes etc. Saturn is for Iron & Steel, Justice, Astrology, Workers, Petroleum products, slow movements and for stammering etc. Mercury is for Education, Intellectuals, Business, for Astrology and for friends and for talk etc. Rahu is for movements, traveling, for expansion, frauds, protecting treasures etc.  
Rahu never stays in a particular place permanently. It always likes frequent travels. Rahu is for talkative nature. Rahu is for the lottery and for sudden progress. That is why we are telling that baby born in different Nakshatra carries different natures.

Now let us speak about Krittika -3 Caharanas, Rohini-4 Charanas and Mrigashira-2 Charanas belong to Vrishabha Rashi, whereas Krittika-1 belong to Aries. The lord of Krittika-1 is Mars whereas for Krittika-3 Charanas, the lord is Venus. However, the lord of Krittika alone is Sun. If Krittika-1 belong to Agni Tatwa or Fiery Tatwa, Krittika-3 Charanas belong to Prithvi Tatwa as it falls in Taurus rashi. Krittika-1 Charana born people gets Pitta related problems or diseases. Where as Krittika-3 Charanas born people will have Prithvi Tatwas Diseases. If Krittika-1 Charana born gets Kshatriya Pravrutti or nature, Krittika-3 Charanas born people will have Shudra pravrutti or nature. If Krittika-1 charana born persons are getting Chara or Moveable Rashi Characteristics, same Krittika-3 charanas born people will have Sthira or Fixed rashi characteristics. If Krittika-1 charana people have purusha rashi natures, same Krittke-3 charanas people will have female characteristics as Aries is male rashi whereas Taurus is female rashi. Hence Jyotishya is not so an easy subject. It is also science. If you are expert in mathematics, then you can become expert in Astrology as it involves calculation part much.

By Dr. P Surendra Upadhya, Ph.D. 


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