Monday, 13 March 2017

Your Birth Date is well explained here:-

Your Birth Date is well explained here:-

3 6 9
2 5 8
1 4 7
1. 3-6-9 is called Line of Logic and Intellect.
2. 2-5-8 is called Line of Emotion.
3. 1-4-7 is called Line of Physical Energy.
4. 1-2-3 is called Line of Planner
5. 4-5-6 is called Line of Will power
6. 7-8-9 is called Line of Actions.
7. 3-5-7 is called Line of Compassion
8. 1-5-9 is called Line of Determination.
9. 3-6-9 people are very intelligent and always are successful in life. They never use emotion in the life at all.
10. The line of emotion people are less impatient and also less intelligent also.
11. The line of planners are good at the planning. Without planning they never proceed further in life.
12. The line of will power , here people will not leave the job so easily. They are the real fighters till they succeed in the life.
13. The line of action , here people are very good at reaching their given target. They are the good executers and easily finish the given target so easily.
14. Please note that if the line of will power is empty, they easily get the frustration in life. Their family front will be having full of unhappiness. So if the person is not having line of will power, it means he or she got the line of frustration. So in his life 4,5 and 6 energy has to be filled in.
15. Let us take an example of Sri Arvind Kejriwal and his date of birth is 16th Aug., 1968
16. Birth Number =7 and Life Path Number = 3
3 6,6 9
1, 1 4. 7
As per Chaldean System,
1 2 6 1 5 4 2 5 1 2 1 6 1 3 = 40 = 4
From name, number 4, and from his date of birth, number 7 and 3 which are birth number and life path number viz. only energy 3,4 and 7 are filled in. Only energy required in his case is 2 and 5 . No problem. Let us analyze the numbers whatever he had.:-
• The line 7-8-9 is complete, it means Mr. Arvind Kejriwal is the man of action which we are seeing him in day to day on newspaper. He is always in the news item for one of his actions or for other.
• The line 3-6-9 is complete. It means He is man of Logic and intellect also. What ever he does has got some logic in his mind. Even his birth date is number 7 which means, the planet ketu. So, he will go up to the root level and find how and why also. He is not the man who leaves the things in a half way.
• Again, no Hera fare in his day to day business , which the quality of number 7 is seen in his actions.
• For line of planner, 2 is missing. It means he lacks in planning. He is a poor planner. Whatever he he does, he execute it in a hurry burry way. Even this quality of him, says that he must be a man of Mercury Guy who always does in hurry burry manner. This I got confirmed when I drew his horoscope. He is the man of Virgo ascendant whose lord is mercury sitting in the house of vyaya Stan(12th). along with Jupiter and Sun.
Again the line 1-4-7 is complete. It means, line of physical energy is there. That we see that Mr Arvind Kejriwal has got tremendous stamina to do the work. Only first time he failed. But now after reelected, some parts of his mistakes done last time ,he rectified and still he has to do lots more to rectify his line of actions.
• Even he lacks in line of determination. This we find in him. Sometimes he behaves as if he is like Mohamed bin Tughlak. Of course who am I to put a label on him. I am sorry for this.
* There is no 4-5-6 , means line of will power is missing. It means his line of FRUSTRATION starts.
• His birth number is 7 and his Name number is 4. It means both are vibrating.
• He is mostly called as ARVIND, it means number 19. Which amount to number 1, which is for the Egoism, leadership and for the ruling? Everything is seen in him.
This is his analysis as per my knowledge.

By Sri P Surendra Upadhya
(7-7) Combination. Only 7 can understand another 7.

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